In the aftermath of the devastating fire at Bailey Road's Green Cozy Cottage building on Thursday night, a case of death by negligence has been filed, resulting in at least 46 casualties and over 20 severe injuries.
Who are the accused?
The case targets Amin Mohammad Group, the owner of the seven-storey building, and the building manager, among others.
Ramna police station Sub-Inspector Shahidul Islam filed the case on Friday night, charging the accused with causing death by negligence and attempted murder.
The accused include Amin Mohammad Group, owner of the building, Anwarul Haque, 29, owner of "Chumuk fast food," Munshi Hamimul Alam Bipul, 40, the building's manager, and Sohel Siraj, 34, owner of "Kacchi Bhai" restaurant.
Illegally operates businesses
According to the case statement, the Green Cozy Cottage, managed by Bipul, has been used for commercial activities violating regulations.
The accused, along with other restaurant owners and managers, allegedly operated their businesses illegally by managing shop inspectors of Rajuk, circumventing proper approvals.
The building owner and manager had rented out the premises to multiple restaurants and shops without obtaining necessary approvals from relevant authorities.
Gas cylinders stored carelessly
The statement reveals that these restaurants were using gas cylinders and stoves for cooking without implementing proper safety measures.
Gas cylinders were reportedly stored carelessly on the ground floor by restaurant owners within the building, posing a significant danger to public safety.
The explosion of a gas cylinder in the "Chumuk" restaurant triggered the fire, spreading throughout the building and causing casualties due to burns and suffocation.
Constructed as residential complex
The case statement points out that the building was originally constructed as a residential complex, but commercial certificates were obtained by the accused and other businesses for operating on various floors.
However, these businesses lacked permission from the fire service office to use gas cylinders and stoves for cooking.
Furthermore, the absence of sufficient fire extinguishers, firefighting equipment, and fire exit stairs exacerbated the situation.
The negligence, recklessness, and carelessness of the building owner and the accused are cited as contributing factors leading to the tragic deaths and injuries.
The legal action aims to hold those responsible accountable for the lapses in safety measures and regulatory violations that resulted in the loss of lives and injuries during the Bailey Road fire incident.