Dhaka,   Friday 27 September 2024

A principal mired in corruption

Md. Mirhosen Sarker

Published: 15:15, 26 September 2024

Update: 18:20, 26 September 2024

A principal mired in corruption

The principal of Mymensingh’s Shaheed Smriti Government College resorted to unbridled corruption in the educational institute using influence of former cultural minister K.M Khaled.

He allegedly embezzled funds by preparing fake bills and vouchers, harassed teachers making adverse comments on ACR without any reason and insulted them on various issues and transferred teachers without following proper rules and regulations.

Idris Ali, who is a 14th BCS (Education Cadre) official, has indulged all these misdeeds and The South Asian Times obtained some documents of his irregularities. As per the documents, Idris Ali used to make list of teachers, who were not in his good book, branding them BNP-Jamaat men and then it sent to the education minister and the ministry high officials, recommending their transfer.

Those teachers have also been facing his abuse on various national day’s events. He used to show cause teachers frequently and they were faced countless harassment by the principal.

Principal Idris Ali canceled the lease of the college's property Kajal Kotha Beel (a water body) and handed it over to Upazila Jubo League convener Mahbubul Islam Monir who is the son-in-law of local Awami League general secretary Billal Hossain Sarkar.

Idris Ali allowed to dump garbage in the Beel taking financial benefit from municipal mayor Billal Hossain, which helped to destroy the nature of the waterbody. Moreover, Idris Ali used to siphon off money from the college fund without any receipt in the name of various publications. The amount was about crores of taka. The college does not have transport facilities for students. However, he was collecting Tk 1.5 crore every year from students in the name of transport.
Moreover, a portion of fund collected from various income sources used to distribute to the principal and some teachers under the leadership of college librarian Ali Haider and Bangla Department head Shah Mahfuzul Bari after the evening. 

Ali Haider used to keep various fake bills-vouchers of all irregularities secretly. An employee named Mithun Das protested against these irregularities of the principal. But the principal kept him locked in the bathroom for protesting. Later Mithun Das was transferred to Brahmanbaria as punishment.

This correspondent tried to contact with Idris Ali through phone calls. But he did not receive phone despite several attempts. Even he did not reply the texts sent by this correspondent for his comments.

The Shaheed Smriti Government College of Mymensingh's Muktagachha Upazila is a well-known educational institute. As the college is very close to the Muktagachha town, there was a competition among the students for admission. But now the picture has changed. During the period of Awami government, this college, plagued by irregularities and corruption. 

It was alleged that the college authority recruited a driver for the principal. But he was working as the principal's personal car’s driver violating the reules. Moreover, Aminul Islam was appointed as a peon of the college but he has been working at the principal's residence.

Allegedly, the principal used to introduce himself as the younger brother of the former state minister for culture KM Khalid. He established supremacy in the college using the influence of local Awami League, Chhatra League and Jubo League leaders. 

It was alleged that principal Idris Ali demanded money from college’s assistant professor Papia Sultana from the fund of degree in-course exam committee. As Papia Sultana did not agree to pay the money, the principal made an alternative committee and took away the fund by exerting his power. Later, principal and his associates distributed the money among themselves.

When asked, Papia Sultana told The South Asian Times, "The principal said he would keep 70 per cent of the committee's fund. The remaining 30 per cent will be shared among them. I do not agree with his proposal. They were annoying from my stand and so I withdraw myself from the committee”. 
According to the information, the principal transferred three teachers from the college on false and fabricated charges. 

One day, he called assistant professor (social work department) Abdul Mannan to his room and mentally tortured him. Later, Mannan became sick and admitted to hospital. He was later transferred to Bhola Government College.

Also, assistant professor of Mathematics Shafiqul Islam was transferred to Parshuram Government College, Feni. At the same time, Morjina Akhtar, a lecturer in the department of economics, was transferred to Sreebordi Government College in Sherpur. 

It was alleged that principal Idris Ali used to keep Morjina Akhter in the college till 8 pm everyday on the pretext of various committee work. Some teachers alleged that they were transferred because they protested over Morjina Akhtar issue.

Victim Abdul Mannan, told The South Asian Times, “The principal was exercising undue and unethical practices in all the college policy decisions due to his good relation with the ex-cultural minister. I requested him several times to work jointly. But he did not do so and took all decisions unilaterally. He did not care about the teachers in any way”.

He also said that a corrupt syndicate led by the principal was formed to extort money from the college. It is alleged that Shah Mahfuzul Bari, head of the Bengali department of the college, masterminded all the irregularities and corruption under the cover of principal. 

Assistant Professor ASM Khabir Hossain of Accounting Department, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department Tanveer Ahmed and Assistant Professor of English Department Md Nasir Uddin and Librarian Ali Haider assisted the principal in dealing with irregularities.
