Dhaka,   Saturday 21 September 2024

City’s kitchen markets turn unstable again

Staff Correspondent, Dhaka

Published: 11:34, 20 September 2024

Update: 12:09, 20 September 2024

Photo: Courtesy

Commodity markets in the capital has become unstable again. Prices all food, commodities fish, meat and vegetables have increased within the span of week causing much discontent among the consumers. According to them, after the changeover of the government, the businessmen also changed their mentality of making excessive profits.

Traders at the capital’s Karwan Bazar, however, said recent floods damaged crops, fish and chicken farms which led to their supply shortage in the market, causing price hike. Moreover, as it is a weekend (Friday), the prices of fish, meat and vegetables are slightly higher than the last week.

Buyers said the overall market scenario has not changed even though the government has changed.  Traders are still making extra profit by raising prices of all products and commodities.

A buyer named Mahmud Hossain said that after the change of government, the price decreased a little. But now the same picture turns back. Traders are still cutting the pockets of consumers with various excuses.

Another buyer named Amin said, “Businessmen are making excessive profit from their ill mentality. They are opportunists. Until this mindset is changed, no government or law enforcement agency will be able to bring stability in the market”.

On Friday, eggplant was selling at Tk 80-100 per kg, bitter gourd at Tk 60-70, ladies finger at Tk 50, yard long bean at Tk 60, radish at Tk 50, pointed gourd at Tk 50-60. Besides, green papaya was selling at Tk 25-30 per kg, tomato at Tk 160, beans at Tk 200 and cucumber at Tk 50 at the city’s kitchen markets.

Besides, potatoes were selling at Tk 55-60 per kg, while each piece of gourd is Tk 50-60.

“The prices of vegetables have gone up due to reduced supply in this weekend,” said a trader at the Karwan Bazar.

He said the price of some vegetables has increased up to Tk 5-10 per kg. However, the price of a few has decreased. Crop fields have been destroyed by recent floods, which has pushed up prices.

However, the price of green chili, which suddenly increased due to rain during the last 4-5 days, has come down to Tk 160-180 per kg at the retail level. But last Monday (September 16) it was sold at Tk 280-300 per kg. “If supply is normal, prices will fall further,” according to traders.

Meanwhile, after the government fixed the prices of eggs and chickens, the market rose further. The traders said that eggs and chickens were sold at low prices in the market before the price was fixed. But after fixing the price, the farmers increased the price. This has also affected the market.

At present broiler chicken was selling at Tk 180-185 per kg, chicken (Sonali) was selling at Tk 260-280, while layer chicken selling at Tk 240 per kg.

Besides, prices of beef remain unchanged in the city markets and it was selling at Tk 750-800 per kg.

In the market, red eggs were selling at Tk 160 per dozen, and white eggs at Tk 155.

The price of rice has been high in the market for a long time. At present, Miniket is selling at Tk 71-72 per kg while Nazirshail at Tk 76-82 per kg.

However, the price of onion has decreased slightly in the market. Local variety onions are being sold at Tk 110-115 per kg, down by Tk 5-10 per kg from last week. Besides, Indian onion is selling at Tk 110-115 and Pakistani onion at Tk 95-100 per kg.  And per kg local garlic is selling at Tk 220-240, imported garlic at Tk 240-260 and ginger at Tk 220-280 per kg.

Besides. there is no significant change in the price of fish in the markets. Most of the fish are being sold at higher prices than before.
