Dhaka,   Saturday 21 September 2024

Will form high-level probe committee, won’t spare anyone: Home affairs adviser meets CHT leaders

Published: 18:50, 21 September 2024

Home Affairs Adviser Lt Gen (retd) Jahangir Alam Chowdhury assured residents of the Chittagong Hill Tracts on Saturday that the government would go tough against anyone disrupting law and order in the three hill districts in future.

Following a meeting between three advisers and local leaders of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Jahangir Alam also said no tolerance would be shown to those who had destroyed the law and order situation in the region.

"None will be spared if found responsible…If they try again in future, their hands will be broken," he said at the meeting in the Rangamati Cantonment this afternoon (21 September).

The adviser also emphasised that law and order cannot be allowed to deteriorate under any circumstances.

Three advisers– Home Affairs Adviser Lt Gen (Retd) Md Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, CHT Affairs Adviser Supradip Chakma, and Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Adviser Hasan Arif– met local political parties, transport leaders and different organisations centring the rounds of violence in three hilly areas.

Leaders of various political parties, regional organisations, and transport workers' organisations, alongside officials of the army and police, joined the meeting.

Among the political leader’s present are- Rangamati District BNP President Deepan Talukder, party's General Secretary Advocate Mamunur Rashid Mamun, Central BNP Tribal Affairs Secretary Deepen Dewan, Jamaat-e-Islami Rangamati District Leader Harunur Rashid, JSS Central Vice President Ushatan Talukder and JSS District President Dr Ganga Manik Chakma.

The current law and order situation in Khagrachari, Rangamati and Bandarban was discussed.

Violent clashes erupted in the hill districts of Khagrachhari and Rangamati yesterday (20 September), leaving four people dead and over fifty injured.

The incidents, which occurred on Thursday (19 September) and Friday, led to heightened tensions and heavy law enforcement deployment in both regions. Amid deteriorating situation, local administrations imposed Section 144 in the two districts.

Meanwhile, a 72-hour road and waterways blockade in three hill districts – Khagrachari, Rangamati and Bandarban – since 6am this morning has been in place.

An indefinite transport strike has also been called in Rangamati.

